2009년 7월 6일 월요일

[승마, 제 2의 골프 될까?] Horsing around

It has been about six months since Lee Young-sil, a 26-year-old Chinese teacher, started going horseback riding at an equestrian club in Paju city, Gyeonggi Province every Saturday. She does not have her own horse, but there is one that she usually rides on. After gently combing the horse's hair, Lee hopped on for her lesson.

Her trainer stayed right beside her for the first few months, but Lee is now skilled enough to run around the track by herself. Still, her trainer is nearby to help whenever she needs it.

"I started out of curiosity, and the need for diet. Now I don't think it is any different than other sports, but maybe better, because it is great for making your body. Look, my belly got flat," Lee said patting her stomach.

Horseback riding, which used to be considered a sport for the wealthy, has become more familiar with the public in Korea lately.

"The population that wants to learn horseback riding increases as the national income rises. They say that after golf, comes horseback riding, then yacht and then light aircraft. Korea is now on its beginning steps for the horseback riding boom," said Hyun Sang-hun, director of You-eal Leisure Town, one of the equestrian clubs in Paju city, Gyeonggi Province.

In Japan, for instance, the horseback riding population shot up 89 percent in 1989 when the country's per capita income topped $20,000.

To meet up with the rising demand, You-eal Leisure Town started a coupon system which is open to everyone. Before, the club was exclusive for members only.

"We started the coupon system so that horseback riding can be more popularized, and yes, riders increased since we started the system," said Hyun.

One can purchase 10 coupons and use it within two months. One 45 to 50 minute-long lesson costs a coupon.

About 10 different types of horses - from miniature types of below 100 kg to full-grown males of over 1 ton - are ready at the club. Riders are recommended the horses that best fit their sizes.

"Anyone can enjoy horseback riding, from little children to the elderly, if one does not have any serious health problems. Riding a horse not only helps lose weight but also makes you healthier," said Hyun.

The Rural Development Administration and a Jeju National University research team released their study results in May that horseback riding helps reduce body fat and grow muscle strength.

The team surveyed 10 riders including five obese women for the past six months. During the period, the riders enjoyed horseback riding two times per week.

Their anaerobic threshold value, which is the core index in measuring aerobic exercise abilities, increased 25 percent, oxygen uptake per heart rate increased 36 percent and maximum oxygen uptake per 1kg body weight increased 21 percent.

Body fat and abdominal fat each decreased by 7 and 2.2 percent and their level of satisfaction regarding work and life each increased by 6.7-12 percent to 3 percent.

Hyun also mentioned that the sport is actually used as a way to cure patients with autism or detrimental spinal conditions.

"Horses are live animals, so this sport requires communication between the rider and the horse. The rhythmical stimulation and the mutual connection while riding on the horse are good for the patients. There are special horses trained for the job," Hyun said.

Like babies or puppies, horses love being touched and cared. As one gets more intimate with a horse, the horse will feel more comfortable around the person and the ride will go smoother.

"Women are better at caressing the horses like a baby and communicating with them," Hyun added.

There are currently about 200 equestrian clubs in Korea and some 1,200 farmhouses are breeding more than 25,000 horses. Around 20,000 people are enjoying the sport.

To boost the horse-related industry and popularize horseback riding, the government plans to put in some 270 billion won ($213 million) by 2012.

The Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries presumed that Korea's horse-related industry is worth 4.860 trillion won, and announced that it will support horseback riding business which is worth 260 billion won.

"We will establish a base to better breed and distribute horses through encouraging horseback riding and the consummation of horse meat. Then we will strengthen our international competency by improving local race horses," said No Su-hyun, an official at the ministry's livestock policy bureau, at a symposium hosted by Korea Racing Authority on May 21.

KRA is actively participating in this plan.

"We will increase the number of equestrian clubs to 500 by 2012 so that at least 2.4 million people could have experienced the sport by then," said Lee Jong-gu, a KRA official.

KRA has given free horseback riding lessons from January through February to promote the sport. People learned at insured private equestrian clubs and KRA supported the tuition fees.

The program was a hit, with more than 1,200 participants. The second season of the program, which runs from June through July, has already started in 40 clubs throughout the country.

Horseback riding, however, is still getting some cold stares for being quite a pricy hobby. The price varies per clubs but 10 coupons cost between 500,000 and 700,000 won.

It is not just the matter of money, however, golfers, who are more at ease affording luxurious sports, are not so excited about horseback riding either.

"The equestrian clubs are too far away from the city. Yes, golf courses are far away too, but at least there are some golf facilities in the city where beginners or ones who have only little spare time can practice at," said Park, a 51-year-old male golf fan.

Some point out that horseback riding is dull compared to other competitive sports.

"You just walk around and around the club on a horse. It won't get much fun unless you are good enough to compete on a race course," said office worker Shin, in his 40s.


By Park Min-young

댓글 12개:

  1. 음.....다이어트에 좋다는 말(?)이군요

    기사 잘봤습니다.

  2. @ypark - 2009/07/06 13:52
    ㅋㅋㅋ 네, 그 말이요 ㅋ

    날씨 좀 선선해지면 가서 함 제대로 배워볼까 싶기도해요 ㅋㅋㅋ

  3. 와우.. 두달쯤 하면 볼록배(?) 확실히 들어가겠네요! +_+ ㅋㅋ

    왠지 허리강화에도 좋을것 같아요.. 게다가 그냥 기계랑 운동하는거랑은 다를 것 같은 느낌!! 다른 동물과 호흡을 맞추는거니..

  4. @연님 - 2009/07/06 21:26

    네,..말타기로 환자들 치료들 까지 한다니까 정말 좋을 것 같아요 +_+

  5. @Noel - 2009/07/07 23:16
    음, 아주 저렴한 운동은 아닌 것 같아요 ^-^

  6. 골프만큼의 돈이 들어간다든데... 암튼 거강에는 매우 좋다는 것 같던데...

  7. 호오~ 과연.....좋은 내용이군요...

    라고 말하고 십다...ㅋㅋ

  8. @HoYa™ - 2009/07/09 14:06
    아마 골프보다 더 들어갈걸요; 골프 다음이 승마라고 하니까요;;ㅋ

  9. @Trendtip - 2009/07/11 02:27
    넵 ㅋㅋㅋ

  10. @koreasoul - 2009/07/11 13:44
