2009년 5월 25일 월요일

[한국의 금속미술] Metal art from past to present

Metal is one of humanity's most favored materials. From weapons to tableware to accessories, metal is so widely used that it is hard to find something that cannot be made from it.

The exhibition "Metal Art in Korea - Pounding and Polishing" at Ewha Womans University Museum in Daehyun-dong, central Seoul is a summary of the various uses of metal art in Korea's history.

"There have been some exhibitions that feature metal crafts, but this is the first exhibition in Korea that shows the entire history of Korean metal art," said exhibition curator Lee Joo-eun.

The museum has 300 exhibits on display including some that have never been shown to the public before. From the Bronze Age military arms, to ornaments from the period of the Three States, to the contemporary metal art of today, viewers can enjoy various metal art forms.

Works by renowned metal artists such as Kim Jong-young and Song Young-soo can be found there as well as those of up-and-coming artists.

Visitors can also see the Posco prize winning works, awarded to young and talented metal artists.

The show runs through July. Admission is free. For more information, call (02) 3277-3152 or visit www.museum.ewha.ac.kr

By Park Min-young


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