2009년 5월 17일 일요일

[옷 리폼, 대여 열풍] Why buy new clothes? Rent or reform!


Fashion evolves at the speed of light.

Skinny jeans looked like they would rule forever, but their dominance is now threatened by wide pants. Fashionistas who cannot bear to miss out on the next-big-thing have no choice but to use their last penny on shopping.

Gladly, two saviors named "rent" and "reform" are here to help you stay fashionable and still keep most of your money, even during this economic slump.

In an outfit-rental shop near Gangnam subway station last week, an anchorwoman-wannabe was trying on a white jacket. She said, "I passed the first camera test wearing a dress suit from this shop, so I`m here to borrow another one for my next interview," she said. "Some of the other girls buy suits every time there is a test but, believe me, it can cost you a house."


At clothes-rental shops in Seoul, which are concentrated in the posh southern district of Gangnam-gu, it takes but about 50,000 won ($46) for a makeover. If you take out a membership - a one-time down payment of 100,000 won that`s refundable if you decide to get out - some clothes are even cheaper. Most shops offer a selection of anywhere from hundreds to tens of thousands of items, including shoes and bags.

"Our earnings increased much more compared to the same month last year," said Kim Min-ju, the CEO of Change Lady, a rental shop which opened last year. "It is usually college students or career women who come before an important interview, wedding, or party. Some customers put in orders even from Busan after checking out our website."

For those who need party outfits, Nonhyeon-dong is the place to go. There are more than 20 shops where you can rent designer goods like Gucci, Chanel and Valentino.


A style coordinator picks out an outfit for a customer at Lux, an outfit rental shop in Yeoksam-dong, on Friday. [Kim Myung-sub/The Korea Herald]

The clothes-renting business started more than five years ago. But, before last year, these places catered mainly to singers and bar hostesses at nearby clubs, and most of the clothes were very revealing.

But, thanks in part to the increase in Western-style parties, the kinds of customers have been changing.

"The general public takes up about 15% of the market now, and is continuously increasing," said Lee Bum-kyu, who is CEO of LUX, a rental shop in Yeoksam-dong.

Rental shops are very busy on Fridays because party girls come in crowds to rent dresses. "I can borrow 20 pieces of clothes for money that`s not enough to buy one," exclaimed a regular customer. At LUX, the fee to rent one dress is normally 50,000 won, but paying a flat sum 500,000 won allows a customer to rent 20 times.

Rental shops are also generous with the after-service. If you get your dress ripped while partying too hard, the dress shop will bring another dress to the club door.

The shops also have professional coordinators on hand to help customers choose their outfits. "People now are very interested in new trends," said Lee, "The first thing they ask is `What`s hot now?` Some even demand very specific items they want."

Another trend that is taking root is "clothes reform." There are many online communities now where you can learn about the basics of clothing repair. Skillful bloggers upload video clips demonstrating how to "reform" on the internet. Before-and- after photos of their renewed clothes are quite useful.

Those who lack the skill to fix up clothes by themselves can of course turn to professional reform shops. For example, the area around Ewha Woman`s University in central Seoul, which is known for its many low-priced and fashionable boutiques, there are more than a dozen such shops.

Most of them have been there for a long time and are famous for their excellence at repair. "Older women who used to be students around here still come to fix their clothes," said Lee Jeong-se, the CEO of Young Reform.

Customers these days visit not only to get their clothes fixed, but to change them into a new, trendier design. "This pattern is back in style. I just need to tighten it a little," said a college student who brought her mother`s checkered skirt. It only cost her 10,000 won to take home a new skirt.

"We used to lead the trend, but our customers know better these days," said Lee. "Their demands have become so precise and complex that even our workers, who are practically designers themselves, often get headaches."

Costs vary, depending on the complexity of the job and the design and texture of the clothes. Some shops also deliver.

By Park Min-young

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  1. 하나 해봤어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 선배 완전 실시간; 근데 이거 줄줄이 뜨는 태그 색깔만 연하게 바꿀순 없나요??흠-_-

  2. 엄, 거기까지는 나도 잘 모르는뎅, 아마 스킨에 따라 태그색깔이 바뀌는 듯하고, 스킨편집에서 코드를 수정하면 가능한데, HTML에서 조정해야 하는 고로...패스~

  3. 참 본인 프로필 이미지 (꼭 본인 얼굴사진일 필요 없고, 자신이 좋아하는 사진이나, 이미지, 심볼 등을 하나 추가시켜야 할듯, 그냥 블랭크는 좀 밋밋해서리~)

  4. ㅋㅋ안그래도 사진 뭐할까 생각하고 이써용ㅋㅋ 이거 은근재밌네요>▽<
