2009년 10월 12일 월요일

'소나무작가' 배병우 사진전 리뷰

Pine tree photographer back with solo exhibition


Bae Bien-u's black-and-white photos of pine tree forests are mystical. Some trees are highlighted in the middle, aloof from others yet proudly standing. The rest are smeared into the misty background like Korean ink-and-wash paintings.

Better known as "the pine tree photographer," Bae is not only one of Korea's leading photographers but is also well recognized around the world.

"I grew up near the seaside, surrounded by trees and the sea. I feel so comfortable and happy around them. When I go on a safari, I ask the driver to take me to giant trees instead of animals. Once someone even asked me if I could communicate with the trees," the 58 year-old photographer, wearing a t-shirt dotted with colorful maple tree leaves, told the press last week, laughing.

His name recognition, as well as the prices of his works, hiked up internationally after pop star Elton John bought one of the "pine tree" series for $27 million in 2005. His photos were once again under the limelight in Korea after President Lee Myung-bak gave Bae's photo books to Barack Obama at a summit this June.

Back from Spain, where he had photographed the forests and gardens of Alhambra for two years at the request of the Spanish cultural heritage administration, the photographer is holding his solo exhibition at The Museum of Contemporary Art, Deoksugung, in central Seoul.

About 100 photos including the photos of the Alhambra, "oreum," or parasitic volcanoes, in Jeju-island, Changdeokgung in four different seasons and of course, his newest pine tree series are on display.

The photos show off Bae's remarkable talent of expressing picturesque lines and light. Touched by just the right amount of light and time, the colors on the photos seem to be even more realistic and vivid than seen with bare eyes.

To the surprise of many who are used to "photoshopped images" nowadays, Bae said that his photos are not modified at all. Instead, they are the "results of ceaseless waiting."

"I was quite a painter back in my schooldays. My paintings were always put up on the back of the classroom. Not much has changed for me, except that my tool has changed from a brush to a camera. You can't call one a photographer only because he has some great techniques. I am an artist, I take my time. My photographs are paintings done by light," he added.

The photographer who has been photographing pine trees for the past 25 years hinted that he might be down further in the south for the next 25 years, capturing the beautiful scenery along the south coast around Yeosu, South Jeolla Province and Jeju Island.

What about his signature pine tree photos?

"Well, right, I guess I will have to snap some pine tree photos along the way too. I know it is what many remember me for," he admitted with a chuckle.

The exhibition runs through Dec. 6 at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Deoksugung. The museum is located inside Deoksugung, near City Hall station in Seoul (subway lines 1 and 2). For more information, visit www.moca.go.kr or call (02) 2022-6000.


By Park Min-young

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  1. trackback from: claire의 생각
    '소나무작가' 배병우 사진전 리뷰 Pine tree photographer back with solo exhibition Bae Bien-u's black-and-white photos of pine tree forests are mystical. Some tree..

  2. 작년 초여름이었던걸로 기억하는데요, 어느 사진작가의 경주남산의 소나무의 사진을 보고서 무작정 새벽에 출발해서 경주남산으로 갔던 기억이 납니다..

    지금 생각해보니 그 사진작가가 여기 소개되고 있는 배병우씨가 아니었나 싶네요..

  3. @행운유수 - 2009/10/13 19:22
    흠- 그만큼 인상적인 소나무사진이었다면 아마도 배병우작가가 아니었을까 싶어요 저두 ^.^
