2009년 10월 13일 화요일

배고픈 아이들_ 화이트밴드 사진전 광화문 광장 옆에서.

Photos of the starved


The rich are increasing day by day worldwide, but so are the poor.

According to the United Nations' "The Millennium Development Goals Report" in 2008, more than 100 million people will soon suffer in absolute poverty surviving each day with less than a dollar to spend on basic necessities.

In step with the upcoming International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on Oct. 17, Korean NGOs' Network against Global Poverty and Seoul City are hosting the photo exhibition "The Innocent World."

The network has been conducting the White Band Campaign, a worldwide movement to fight against poverty since 2005, in Korea. This exhibition is a part of it.

Three Korean photographers - Seong Nam-hun, Lee Sang-yeob and Han Geum-seon - showcase 36 photos of the troubled areas around the world where children suffer from hunger, war and discrimination.

The sad eyes of little boys in the photos will make you stop at the show for some moments no matter how busy you are.

The photos, printed out in large size (190 cm wide and 118 cm long), are lined up along Gwanghwamun Plaza in central Seoul.

The exhibition runs through Saturday. For more information, visit www.endpoverty.or.kr/photo


By Park Min-young

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  1. trackback from: claire의 생각
    배고픈 아이들_ 화이트밴드 사진전 광화문 광장 옆에서. Photos of the starved The rich are increasing day by day worldwide, but so are the poor. According to the United Nati..

  2. 나 토요일에 빈곤퇴치켐페인에서 봉사활동하는데 - ㅎㅎ

    미렁아, 자라섬 재즈 페스티발은 티켓 안들어오냐 ㅋㅋㅋ

  3. @썽 - 2009/10/14 15:52
    몰라 나는 미술이래두 ㅋ

    오오오 너 봉사활동해?! 무슨?! ㅋㄷ

    아 글구 뭐 어떻게 된거야?!ㅋ

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