2010년 5월 23일 일요일

간송미술관 봄 전시 리뷰

To resist or to obey: Paintings of colonial period


Gansong Art Museum will start its first exhibition of the year on Sunday, to the delight of art fans.

The museum opens its doors to the public only two times a year, once in spring and once in autumn.

The exhibition this spring, “The 100th Anniversary of Joseon’s Ruination,” aims to show how artists reflected the time of despair onto canvas.

Painting of butterflies by Lee Gyung-seung Gansong Art Museum
“Considering how paintings are a mirror of a period’s overall cultural capacity, we can see how the frustration of society during the Japanese invasion period is reflected in Joseon paintings from that era. This will also be an opportunity to think about the current situation of Korean contemporary art where artists who continue the traditional methods of painting and those who studied overseas coexist,” said Choi Wan-su, research director at the museum.

Over 100 paintings by 28 artists of the Joseon Period will be on display, from Seo Byung-geon, who was 60-years-old in 1910 when Japan annexed Joseon, and Go Hee-dong, who was 25 at the time.

Some of the artists expressed resistance towards Japan in their work while some turned pro-Japanese and created submissive paintings. Some simply renounced the troublesome world and went on with their lives, painting butterflies.

The exhibition runs from Sunday through May 30. Admission is free. To get to the museum, take the subway to Hanseong University Subway Station, Line 4. For more information, call (02) 762-0442.

By Park Min-young    (claire@heraldm.com)


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    간송미술관 봄 전시 리뷰 To resist or to obey: Paintings of colonial period Gansong Art Museum will start its first exhibition of the year on Sunday, to the de..

  2. trackback from: 간송미술관, 조선망국 100주년 추념회화전
    경향닷컴 | Kyunghyang.com news.khan.co.kr 2010년 5월 10일 ... 간송미술관, 조선망국 100주년 추념회화전 ... 일본의 국권 탈취로 1910년 조선왕조가 멸망한 지 100주년이 된 해를 맞아 간송미술관(서울 성북동) ... 간송미술관은 홈페이지가 없어 경향 기사를 퍼왔습니다. 미리미리 정리했어야 하는데, 역시나, 게을러 일주일이 다 되어서야;; 우선 급한대로 전시 회화들 중 마음에 들었던 화제들을 정리했습니다. 1..
