2009년 3월 24일 화요일

[신오감도] Smell, taste, touch and listen to pictures


If you think art is only about gazing at pictures in a silent museum where "Do not touch" is written in bold letters all over, here is an exhibition to break down your prejudices.

"Art & Synesthesia," an exhibition currently running at Seoul Museum of Art in Seosomun-dong, central Seoul, showcases sensuous artworks that tickle your five senses. Twenty-four Korean artists including Kim Whanki and Lee Ufan participated in it.

The exhibition is divided into two sections. The standard two-dimensional paintings displayed in the first section, "Sensory Illusions," know how to attract viewers, or might possibly have some magical powers.

Viewers will be tempted to dance to the rhythm from Woo Jae-gil's "Rhythm," smell the fresh grass from Choi Duk-hyu's "Fragrance of Green Color," and eat the soft, ripe peaches from Yoon Byung-rock's "Fragrance of Summer - Appetizing Box."

The second division, "Multiple Sense: Crossing and Blending," induces more vigorous actions. Viewers are allowed to touch, sit on, and play with the works in whichever desired way.

Composed of pieces that arouse unique experiences through stimulations of the five senses, the section is like a playground.

Move your fingers on the table in the room filled with Yang Min-ha's interactive installation, "Michael's Playmates." Stars start shooting, creating fantasy-like images, and the roaring sounds add to the sensual effects.

Choi Seung-joon installed a microphone for his "A Soundless Shout." A gentle tap on the mic produces colorful images on the big screen in front. The louder the noise you make, the more wildly the image responds.

This exhibition runs through June 7. Admission is 700 won for adults and free for those younger than 19 and older than 65. The museum is closed on Mondays. For details, call (02) 2124-8934 or visit www.seoulmoa.org

By Park Min-young


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