2010년 1월 13일 수요일

Ewha graduate artists throw first art fair

There might be less Ewha Womans University graduate artists compared to those of Hongik University or Seoul National University, but when it comes to running art galleries, Ewha graduates stand out.

It was only a matter of time before some of the major galleries in Korea, which happen to be run by Ewha graduates, got together and did something.

Organized by 15 such galleries and the University's College of Arts and Alumni Association, "Ewha Art Fair 2010" kicks off today at the Cultural Hall in Sinsegae Department Store.

Participating galleries include Sun Gallery, Gallery Yeh, Leehwaik Gallery, PKM Gallery and Cais Gallery.

"In Ewha Woman's University, enhancing the level of one's culture is all-important. I guess Ewha graduates stand out in running galleries because we were well-educated in various cultural and artistic aspects in college," said Kim Chang-sil, president of Sun Gallery and chairwoman of the art fair.

"This art fair will be an opportunity to upgrade communication among galleries and also among graduates. I hope it will take a step further and contribute to the development of the Korean art industry."

The fair is divided into four divisions. The first introduces works by famous international artists like Andy Warhol, Robert Combas and Kusama Yayoi. The second displays pieces by veteran Korean artists such as Kim Hyeong-geun, Park Soo-keun and Lee Lee-nam.

In line with the purpose of the fair, works by many Ewha graduate artists and professors' can be found in the third section with some works divided according to themes in the last section.

Part of the fair's profits will be donated to help construction of the university's new campus in Paju.

The art fair runs through Thursday at the Cultural Hall in Sinsegae Department Store in central Seoul.


By Park Min-young

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    Ewha graduate artists throw first art fair There might be less Ewha Womans University graduate artists compared to those of Hongik University or Seo..

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