2008년 9월 17일 수요일

[연예인 사진작가들] Celebrities unite to host a photo exhibition


Digital cameras are very popular in Korea, and many people rival professional photographers in their enthusiasm, if not in actual skill.

Entertainers are no exception to the fad.

In fact, four celebrities - singer Kang Won-rae, rapper Baek Seong-hyeon, comedian Lee Byeong-jin, and singer and artist Lee Sang-eun - are now showing their works at Gallery Iang in an exhibition titled, "Moments in Time - Atelier in Everyday Life."

The photos in the exhibition mostly generate heartwarming feelings in their viewers, which is one of the exhibit`s purposes: Part of the earnings will be donated to the Beautiful Fund to give more cultural and educational opportunities to underprivileged children.

Comedian Lee Byeong-jin`s photographs are witty. In "A Scene with Marshmallows," Lee took pictures of hay bundles, which he calls marshmallows.

"My photos need additional explanations next to them," Lee said on the opening day earlier in the month. He pointed at "Happy Imagination," a picture of a window above a washstand. Beyond the window, viewers can see giraffes and hippopotamuses roaming peacefully.

"I imagined what it would be like to live with these animals, if hippopotamuses ate my dirty laundry," Lee said. "I was in the bathroom of the Seoul Grand Park for an hour waiting for the giraffe to appear in the middle of the window."

The comedian`s love of photography is well-known.

Lee published a photo essay "Neglect of a Second" in 2006. He is also an active participant in an online photographers` community of the same name.

Lee took up photography six years ago. "Back then, I used to have more than 50 cameras," he said. He now only uses three of his favorites.

But Lee dismisses those who label him a professional photographer.

"I`m just an amateur who happens to love taking pictures," said Lee.

Baek Seong-hyeon, a member of the pop group "Koyote," used to make a living as a photographer before he became a rapper. He was only 10 years old when he discovered his love for photography.

"Every time we went on school trips, I was always running around taking pictures of my friends," Baek said.

People seem to be Baek`s favorite topic. Many of his works in this exhibition such as "An Old Man and Romance" or "With You" put the spotlight on ordinary people.


Photo by Baek Seong-hyun


"Once someone scolded me for taking pictures without telling them ... I just take pictures of the random moments that give me a certain feeling," he said.

The best thing about photography? The freewheeling photographer is certain of the answer.

"That I don`t have to negotiate with anyone. I work on my own and make my own decisions," Baek said.

Kang Won-rae, a member of the group "Clon," displays many photos of the disabled in wheelchairs. The photos carry extra meaning, considering that he himself became disabled following a motorbike accident in 2000.

It is hard to casually walk past the photo "I Can Cross It," taken by Kang`s brother Kang Won-do. The sight of Kang Won-rae struggling to cross a stream in his wheelchair is, to say the least, moving.

Lee Sang-eun, a singer and an artist, is the only female photographer in this exhibition. She captures sensuous moments and things from everyday in a stylish manner.

"Moments in Time - Atelier in Everyday Life" runs through Sept. 28 at Namseoul University Art Center Gallery Iang. Admission is free.

For more information, call (02)-3672-0201 or visit www.galleryiang.com

By Park Min-young
